Aspasia is currently in Athens, Greece
Attend one of her events in the USA or Europe in 2020 and Manifest Your Best Life Yet!

Events 2019
June 7th: 8-9pm, MANIFESTATION MAP Pop Up, DEN MEDITATION LA Brea, Los Angeles
July 19th-21st: RA MA Festival, Mallorca, Spain
Oct 2nd: Corporate Events, Athens, Greece
Nov 11th: Manifestation Map Challenge starts online

Mondays 10AM, INTENTION, DEN Meditation, Los Angeles
Thursdays 10AM, INTENTION, DEN Meditation, Los Angeles

Join over 20,000 people making their dreams come true!
Want to invite Aspasia to speak at your event, interview or feature Aspasia on your platform, podcast or media outlet? Please fill out the form here with as much detail as you can:
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