
My Story:

From Corporate Careers to Manifesting Dreams for a Living​

Aspasia is a Manifestation Expert/Speaker and Celebrity Empowerment Coach. She teaches the science of the subconscious mind, practices quantum therapy, as well as various spiritual modalities. She is a modern day yogi that aspires to inspire people to go after their dreams and desires, succeed and thrive. Her wish is for others to transform their lives the way she did from a burned out corporate careerist to a blissed out teacher manifesting dreams for a living.

Get to know Aspasia and the story behind the
Faith It Till You Make It Method

In my early 20s, I was on a very successful track as a Corporate Career Woman and had it all (money, apartment across Harrods in London, the “right” friends) a few years in and I got burned out literally emotionally and physically. That’s when I realized that HAPPINESS has nothing to do with WHAT YOU HAVE but rather WHO YOU ARE. My story of self discovery was a magical journey across continents, countries, careers and adventures. Soon enough I FOUND the ANSWER! WHO WE ARE defines WHAT WE HAVE! I mastered my Mindset and Manifestation and then, everything around me changed! I was happy “inside” and successful “outside”. I managed the IMPOSSIBLE, I HAVE IT ALL! And so can you…thank you for being here…continue to read below and let’s get to know each other. I am Aspasia Koumli Wood, happily married with Eric in Los Angeles, our handicapped dog Yoda and my 6 figure online business that helps people like you MANIFEST THE LIFE OF YOUR WILDEST DREAMS with less effort and more results!

To answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment, and a resulting “compelling story”, that brought me to where I am today – coaching people like you –successful but stuck women and men helping them on exactly what to do to cast off fear, self-sabotage, and other limiting beliefs and behaviors, elevate their consciousness and confidence, and ultimately share their unique light with the world.

That defining moment in my life happened in 2016.

Let me start a few years earlier in 2008, when I was living in London, working in high-profile recruitment, when I had my first serious period of burnout. London is beautiful, my apartment was fancy, and I was making more money than I could spend. All this and I was only 22. I was climbing the ladder of society and the financial world. Every day I woke up at 5 am to take the tube and not returning home until 1am. Somedays, I didn’t even have the energy left to shower. I couldn’t enjoy the benefits of my success – I never went out, I had no social life, I couldn’t even eat well. I was losing weight, pushing harder and harder. I didn’t know yet that I was getting sick – I was simply too busy.

Then, my boss (who never let me leave early or take vacations) gave me a book on juicing and vitamins – like that would solve my issues. This was a wake-up call for me that something just wasn’t quite right. And then, later that year, the financial markets crashed. That was the last straw. “This job is not for me. This place is not for me. Oh, and I’m getting sick.” I thought.

I returned to my birth country, Greece, and found a great therapist who quickly diagnosed me with burnout. I gradually recovered and found an excellent job in the government. But within two years, Greece had its own crisis – the most devastating in its financial history. I knew it was beyond my strength and capability to change things on a large scale – and the government I had served was no more.

So, I decided to visit my brother in Los Angeles. I loved it! “I don’t know why this ugly-looking city is so attractive to me. Could it be the light? What was it?” I knew I had to stay. I found a way to make it work (just as I always do.) I started to plant roots in LA – but then my new startup was accepted into an incubator in Chile. So, I picked up my whole life again and moved to Latin America.

It was a period of rapid growth and change. I was constantly learning, stretching, growing – I had to give speeches – in Spanish! I was in a wonderful, high vibrational place. And then, in one of the most beautiful, scenic places in Chile, I had my Kundalini Awakening. Something had opened up in me – but I didn’t know what. I embarked on a 3 year, intensive study of both spirituality and Quantum Physics. And my learning has never stopped. I’m still growing, incorporating, and evolving with each new discovery.

And the way has not been without its share of resistance. I knew, deep -down, that I wanted to live a spiritual life of service, to employ all I had learned as a benefit of others. But it seemed too unstable, too out there. All my other careers had been concrete. Taking the leap didn’t yet feel right.

And then in 2016, I fell in love at first sight. Three days later, we were engaged. We spent two months in Greece, high on our love and adventure. But then my dog came down with crippling meningitis. I knew this was a manifestation of everything I had been avoiding. It brought all my dark spots into focus.

Eric and I decided we could work together to heal the dog, and to get serious and strategic about creating the life of our dreams. It was time, yet again, to raise our vibrations and grow. And for me, that meant it was time to finally and officially begin my work of bringing healing to others. And, perhaps most importantly, to start living what I was teaching.

And just like that, the Universe started talking to me again.

One synchronicity after another brought me back on track. I cleaned up everything that was kept under the rug, got radically responsible and honest with myself! I released and dissolved all that had been holding me back – and then clients started showing up. The door is now open, and it will never be closed again.

I stepped into my stillness and started teaching other women how they can do the same: I watched them learn to shed light into their own shadow too, work on themselves, use the handy, applicable tools and techniques that I give them to assist them in their unfolding life path, find peace where they are, dream big, shine their personal radiant light, become part of the ascension of our mother Earth, and the awakening of a new era!

I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping others who struggle with low self-esteem, procrastination, face challenges in their love life and who would like to take their confidence and power back, get out of the autopilot, habitual, unconscious living, reprogram their mindset into growth, success, leadership and high vibrating love!

Since then I have worked with many private clients, spoken in front of countless groups: I am living my free, fulfilled life – full of love, light, and service.

I have created the FAITH TILL YOU MAKE IT – Manifestation Map!

Every successful woman in her field needs to apply these steps to take back their power, realize their endless potential, transform the self-limiting state of mind, become the source of light + magic in their own lives, align with the Universe’s Masterplan for them, manifest their daydream into reality and bring more light into this world in the most beautiful of ways for themselves, their community, followers and the impact on their field.

I work with people just like you who are successful career oriented, leaders, influencers, artists, full time moms, women with a unique voice, a different perspective of the world, who struggle to be more present, attain financial freedom by doing what they love, stay in alignment, find inner balance, be confident, are stressed with work or with their love life and who would like to be committed in their self-care and development, they are not afraid of change, they trust themselves, let go of self-limiting thoughts, are independent, know and accept themselves and are empowered with a fiery desire for ongoing transformation.
What separates me from others “Success + Life Coaches, Manifestation Experts, Spiritual Teachers and Therapists” is my Ivy League international education, background in business, finance, political communication and entrepreneurship, combined with quantum-physics-meets-law-of-attraction spiritual kick creating the oracle-life-guru-breakthrough-leadership-coach vibe making coaching with me goal oriented, efficient with a hint of a graceful BootCamp. Because of all this, my clients experience their new lives as Conscious Creators making more money, being healthier, sexier, empowered, light workers in their fields, spreading love and compassion, having increased popularity and influencer status, solved family patterns, received love + praise for their achievement in being the highest version of themselves and got comfortable at being with ease in their skin, with peace of mind and security in themselves! I’m concerned with how to expand your confidence, awaken the influencer that you are. You may not like the discipline that I preach, and the radical self-love and honesty that comes with being the Authentic YOU. But you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST so you can start getting results in record time AND HOW TO HAVE FUN on the way! As you blossom, unfolding the layers of the real, empowered, successful, radiant, sexy YOU!
The FAITH IT TILL YOU MAKE IT™ workshops, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about creating new standards for themselves, are convinced that transformation and growth is the essential part of life, are craving a life of grace and ease, desire to end the drama cycles and patterns, learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies and no matter what they are determined to raise their self-esteem and self-confidence – it means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying: “My life should have ALREADY been as I imagined it, having achieved more, with a life purpose, with kids and family, married to my life partner, selling my million dollar business, moving to another country, pursuing my true passion….” These programs were created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to attaining fuller health, living stress free with peace, calm and healthy boundaries, truly loving the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life, connect with your intuition and make decisions in clarity, rewrite your story, reaching for your passions in life, GAIN UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE in yourself, make the money you deserve, save time and effort, build the following and the popularity that you need to achieve your goals, be comfortable in the NEW VERSION of you as the LEADER TO WATCH. Being a high-achieving go-getter myself, I’m known to work best with other high achieving go-getters, people who are committed to their success no matter what who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to succeed empowered and awakened in their leadership. My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!” Consider what you’ll do with me to be a high-octane crash course on everything you need to know to feel whole in your life. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: FAITH IT TILL YOU MAKE IT™.

You can expect to:


  • Living stress-free; Anxiety dissipates and peace and calm sets in

  • Creating new standards for yourself with healthy boundaries

  • Reaching for your passions in life; Find your happiness

  • Feel empowered & excited about the future

  • Fall back in love with yourself

  • Develop more compassion for yourself and others

  • Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life Learn how to say NO and honor your yes and no’s

  • Watch your best life unfold with ease

  • Connect with your intuition

  • Create DEEP intimacy and meaning in your personal relationships Understand how your soul is awakening and developing

  • End the drama cycles and patterns

  • Raise your self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Rewrite your story

  • Open your heart and expand into your TRUE being

  • How to see your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation

  • Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone).

  • Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease.

Yes, I encourage you to! Please go to the Client Testimonials page and read all of them. See which ones you feel drawn to, either because the person has gotten the results you want to get too, or perhaps because that person is in a similar situation. Then feel free to email me and I will put you in touch!

That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and skyrocket to their authentic, feeling great version in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks while others have a bit more work to do first. It also depends on how far along the journey of self-awareness and life purpose you are at the moment.

Do all of your homework. Be totally committed to your success. Understand that this is a process, a proven one, that works if you take action and implement all of the steps. All my clients who have diligently applied every step of FAITH IT TILL YOU MAKE Manifestation Map™ have successfully gained confidence and clarity of purpose, in much less time than they would have on their own AND have achieved to awaken their authentic, inner power forever!

Congratulations on making a decision for success! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your business goals… The best way to work with me is in my Faith It Till You Make It™ Manifestation Group Online Course. 

Here are some of the results you can expect…


  • Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone).

  • Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease.

  • End the drama cycles and patterns

  • Raise your self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Rewrite your story

  • Open your heart and expand into your TRUE SELF

  • How to see your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation

  • Create DEEP intimacy and meaning in your personal relationships

  • Understand how your soul is awakening and developing

Go to the Academy tab, watch the video about FAITH IT | Academy’s Signature Faith It Till You Make It™ Manifestation Course, and sign up! Can’t wait to work with you! The Choice is Yours, Take the Step towards a Life of Flow, Knowingness, Faith and Hope in yourself and the universe! 

With love and in pure light.

To your Immense Success and Freedom,


OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you? Good, sounds like you’re ready to be pulled into your future!

Are You Ready To Take Hold Of Your Destiny?

Schedule your Clarity Call with me and I would be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you.

 I can’t wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!

With heart in light + in service,



50% Complete

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